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Data Safety

Data Safety

Information Collection :

We collect information during registration, use of the services site, communicating with site members, admin, using content, content upload to our site. We also receive information about your IP address, cookies and pages you visited. Such informations are collected to provide best service, research, and overall product experience.

How Secure is Your Information :

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your Personal Information, username, password, transaction information and data stored in your Account.

Our employees also sign confidentiality agreements to use your data for product enhancement, bug fixes and for services only.

Information Sharing :

We will always obtain your prior specific consent before we share or disclose your personally identifiable information to any partner, and user. We are also accountable to disclose user information and the contents of the Accounts to the local law enforcement authorities under specifically defined circumstances. In case DronaX service gets merged or acquired, we will be informing on the website about such developments.

In case your profile is public, or your details are in public domain in our site, you will receive unsolicited messages from users in DronaX and from external sources.

When you have opted for receiving related information, we will use your information to show you relevant advertisements, contents, events from us and our partners. Access to your name, email address and private details is restricted to our employees who need to know such information in connection with our services and are bound by confidentiality obligations.